SoulUp Annual Membership
SoulUp Annual Membership
Believe in the power of Support Groups & Peer Connect? Unlock the power of personal growth with the SoulUp Membership!
Once you join, for the next 12 months:
- Join ANY number of Support Groups for no additional cost.
Book 24 free Peer calls for FREE.
- Access to all SoulUp's offline events.
- Be invited to free trials of all our new products.
- The 6 month Men/Women Unfiltered Group is not included in this membership.
- Members can join clinical groups only if they have the relevant condition.
- Groups are non-transferable and members can join groups only for themselves.
Launch Price: INR 15000 (India) | $375 (Outside India)
Launch Price: INR 15000 (India) | $375 (Outside India)

Select Groups across multiple categories
Explore other subscriptions

Discounted pack of 2 groups
What you get:
- Sign up for ANY 2 SoulUp groups (except for those priced INR 4000 or more)
- For users in India, price of 2 group pack is INR 5500 (instead of INR 7000)
- For users outside India, price of 2 group pack is INR 8000 (instead of INR 10,000)
- Valid for 6 months: Book slots in any 2 groups within 6 months once you purchase the pack.

Discounted pack of 3 groups.
What you get:
- Sign up for ANY 3 SoulUp groups (except for those priced INR 4000 or more)
- For users in India, price of 3 group pack is INR 7500 (instead of INR 10,500)
- For users outside India, price of 3 group pack is INR 11,500 (instead of INR 15,000)
- Valid for 12 months: Book slots in any 3 groups within 12 months once you purchase the pack.

Discounted pack of 3 Peer Calls
What you get:
- 3 conversations with any Peer(s)
- For users in India - Price INR 849 (instead of INR 1050)
- For users outside India - Price INR 1500 (Instead of 1800)
- Valid for 3 months

Discounted pack of 5 Peer Calls
What you get:
- 5 conversations with any Peer(s)
- For users in India - Price INR 1225 (instead of 1750)
- For users outside India - Price INR 2500 (instead of 3000)
- Valid for 6 months
FAQs for Memberships/Packs
What is the refund policy on SoulUp memberships/packs
Once purchased, there is no refund available on our annual memberships, our Group packs or our Peer Call packs. In case you do not wish to avail it anymore, the amount can be adjusted against other services/products available on SoulUp.
What groups can I avail as part of my Membership or Group Pack?
- Basic annual membership give access to all SoulUp groups except Men/Women Unfiltered. Groups availed need to have a start date before or on the expiry date of the membership.
- Full annual membership give access to all SoulUp groups which start before the date of expiry of the membership.
- Group Packs give access to all SoulUp groups except those worth INR 4000 (or the equivalent non-India price). Groups availed need to have a start date before or on the expiry date of the pack.