Ms. Radha Jajal
Ms. Radha Jajal
English and Hindi
Radha is a Clinical Psychologist with a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Maharaja Sayajirao University, Vadodara, and a Bachelor's degree from Symbiosis College, Pune. Her extensive career includes significant roles at various institutions, starting with Juvenile homes, Sasoon Hospital in Pune, and Altruist Trust of the Government Hospital for Mental Health in Ahmedabad, where she served as Chief Clinical Psychologist.
Following this, Radha held positions as the Head of Department of Psychology and Chief Clinical Psychologist at Lakshya Neurorehab in Satellite, Ahmedabad. Currently, she heads the Department of Psychology and serves as the Chief Clinical Psychologist at Krish Clinic, Shubham Multispeciality Hospital in Naranpura, Ahmedabad.
Radha specializes in Behavioral Modifications, Learning Disabilities, and Neuropsychological therapeutic practices for both child and adult psychology. Her expertise extends to pediatric psychotherapies for conditions such as Autism, ADHD, IDD, Learning Disabilities, PDD, and maladjusted behavior. She also provides counseling services for families and couples, emphasizing holistic mental health care across diverse demographics and needs.
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Contact for appointment: +91 9428020701
Contact for appointment: +91 9428020701
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