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Mansi Shah

Mansi Shah

English and Hindi

Mansi Shah is a seasoned Clinical Psychologist with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda. Her extensive experience includes working in schools across Mumbai, Baroda, and Ahmedabad, where she has established counseling centers and supported children with emotional difficulties, behavioral problems, attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity, and learning challenges.

In 2012, Mansi expanded her expertise through training in Australia, where she was introduced to the Australian Blueprint for Career Development. This experience inspired her to develop a career education curriculum framework tailored for use in India. She has since introduced pilot career education and development programs in schools, aiming to enhance career readiness and support for students.

Currently, Mansi Shah works as a career counselor, trainer, and consultant, collaborating with organizations and schools to improve school engagement and implement effective career education and development programs. Her work focuses on helping students and professionals navigate their career paths and achieve their full potential.

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