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English, Hindi, and Tamil

27 | Dentist | Married

The soul purpose of my life since a very long time was to be a part of the healthcare sector. After alot of rigorous training I managed to get into dental school in India and realised mid-way that it is almost impossible for me to create an impact of the magnitude I anticipated in India having no background in the industry. So I decided to finish my course and pursue a Masters in Global Health to broaden my knowledge and get an edge in the industry. Decided to move to a different country, left family and friends, took up a part-time job, juggled with responsibilities that were otherwise taken for granted back home. Experienced the brutal side of exploitation by our landlord where we had to fight for basic amenities like heat (necessity in Canada) and the void of not having friends and family did not help. Multitasking and managing personal life and mental peace came with a cost to pay.
I understand the lows and highs in relationships, career and life. I have changed countries, careers, and built social networks to get through the blues of being an immigrant in a foreign country.

Happy to chat and lend a helping hand to anyone who shares a similar journey of migrating and starting from the start!

Regular price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 399.00 Sale price Rs. 299.00
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